Pet Services
- Appointments for Consultations
- Sedation, Anaesthesia and Surgery
- Neutering
- Vaccinations for your pets
- Parasites
- Pet Health Plan
- Insurance
- Pet Travel Outside the UK
- Microchipping
- Ferret Information
- Dentals
Information for Clients Attending the Practice
If it is your first time attending the practice, please allow sufficient time prior to your appointment to register and allow nursing staff to record details of microchips, current vaccinations and parasitic control products.
Any loyalty cards can be completed and contact details updated at this time.
General Information
It is helpful if all dogs are weighed prior to being called in for their consults; there is a walk-on scales in the waiting area for this.
Any pet to be admitted for an anaesthetic will need to have been starved overnight and allowed to toilet prior to their appointment. More information on this is available on our Surgical Procedures page.
Any very nervous dogs may wait outside with their owner if preferred, but please do inform reception of your arrival.
Any puppy or adult dog with a harsh cough or diarrhoea should be kept in the owners’ vehicle as a biosecurity precaution but again, please inform reception of your arrival.
We require payment for all services at the time of consultation, and can accept cash or card payment at both our Montgomery and Llanfair practices.
If your pet is insured, we do not accept direct payments from insurance companies. This means you must pay in full at the time and then claim back from your insurance company.
Our veterinary surgeons and nurses take great care with your pets while sedating and administering anaesthesia. We undergo rigorous training and pay close attention to the safest protocols with careful patient monitoring at all times.
It is safest if your dog or cat is anaesthetised on an empty stomach to avoid reflux. Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be starved.|
Please download our Pre-Op Instructions for Dog & Cats by clicking on the link below.
You may also be offered PRE-ANAESTHETIC BLOOD TESTS, these are processed at our Trefaldwyn Laboratory and come at additional cost. They can show up problems in the blood such as anaemia or response to infection or early signs of liver and kidney failure.
We would recommend that they are done in older animals over 7 or if the animal shows any signs of concern.
We will give sedation or anaesthesia to enable us to take diagnostic x rays, to use our endoscope, and to clean and flush painful wounds or ears. We always try to use the minimum level of sedation or anaesthesia possible but it is often less stressful to an anxious animal than trying to physically restrain them.
General anaesthesia usually involves the placement of an ET tube into the windpipe of your dog or cat, this is for safe and effective administration of oxygen and gaseous anaesthetic agents. Occasionally, your pet may have a very mild cough after this procedure.
Administration of anaesthetic agents and fluids will involve clipping the hair off the legs, and the neck in the case of blood sampling.
We pay great attention to best practice with regards to pain relief. This can include “ off license” use of human drugs that have not been fully tested on small animals. We only use what we deem to be safe and know are used by other veterinary hospitals and referral centres or otherwise we would discuss use with you first.
Surgical procedures undertaken by veterinary surgeons at Trefaldwyn Vets are very varied.
Pets are admitted in the morning and return home mid to late afternoon. During their stay they are cared for in individual kennels with heated mats, attentive care from our nursing team and appropriate pain relief.
In the event of an overnight stay at the Trefaldwyn Clinic, animals are not attended at all times during their stay. They are checked and monitored by the Vet or Nurse as often as they judge necessary
We routinely carry out ovariohysterectomies and castrations on dogs, cats and small furries to prevent inappropriate pregnancies and the development of infections later in life.
Please read our section on neutering
Planned soft tissue surgery
Soft tissue surgery is often carried out to remove “strange lumps and bumps” following a full assessment during a veterinary consultation.
Often further laboratory tests (at an external laboratory) are advised to ascertain the nature of these lumps and bumps, so a more accurate prognosis can be given.
We offer emergency caesareans for any bitch or queen having difficulty giving birth.
This is always after careful and thorough veterinary assessment with the options and likely outcomes fully discussed with you prior to any surgery taking place.
Emergency soft tissue surgery
Emergency surgery may be needed after traumatic injuries, lacerations, bites or ingestion of foreign bodies (sticks, stones, bones or toys).
The decision to operate always follows a full veterinary evaluation in a consultation, diagnostic x-rays or ultrasound as necessary and discussion with you prior to any surgery.
Some orthopaedic surgery is performed at the surgery after a full clinical and radiological evaluation. Other cases may be referred to specialist orthopaedic centres of excellence for surgical repair.
Surgery on Exotics
Some procedures can be undertaken by members of the Trefaldwyn Veterinary team or referral arranged if necessary.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have put together a list of FAQ’s to help you with any concerns you may have if your pet needs to have an operation. Please see below, answers to some common questions if your pet needs to spend some time with us at the surgery. If you have any further question, please do contact us and we will be more than happy to discuss your concerns and questions in person
Give your Dog or Cat their usual evening meal at 7pm and nothing to eat after this time (this includes treats). For young puppies, kittens, Rabbits and Guinea Pigs, please ask for advice.
Water can be left down overnight but should be removed first thing in the morning
Cats should be kept in overnight with a litter tray.
Rabbits and “small furries” should not be starved before anaesthesia and please bring some of their food and favourite veg in with them for recovery.
Nothing to eat on the morning of the procedure
Take your dog out on the lead to give them the opportunity to toilet
Your pre op appointment allows you time to sign the anaesthetic form and to advise the vet on any other procedures you may want while your pet is under anaesthetic, i.e., micro chipping, nail clipping etc.
On arrival, please have dogs on a secure collar & lead and cats in secure carriers
We may need to contact you, please have a contact number where we can reach you at all times
Pre-operative Blood Tests
If you have a dog or cat that is being admitted for a procedure that requires a sedation or anaesthetic, you will be offered a pre-op blood test. This test allows us to check your animal does not have any pre-existing liver or kidney problems that we may not be aware of especially if they are in the early stages and have no symptoms. We particularly recommend pets over 7 years old to have a pre-anaesthetic profile, the vet will advise you at the time of signing the consent form. Please expect that hair will have been clipped away to allow access for medication, monitoring and surgery.
We ask you to ring at 2pm to get an update on your pet and we will inform you of your pet’s progress and arrange a suitable time for collection.
A post op check and an appointment for stitches out may be needed and reception will arrange this at the time of payment.
Payment will be expected at the time of collection of your pet and we accept the following methods; cash, cheque, credit / debit card.
If you have pet insurance you may wish to bring an insurance form with you but please note that must still settle your account when you collect your pet.
If you have any queries regarding insurance claims please see someone in our accounts department before the day of your pet’s operation.
We recommend neutering your dog or cat if you do not intend to breed from them. We can neuter cats from about 4 months of age, We can neuter dogs from 6 months of age, but there can be individual and breed related issues to consider. The earlier they are neutered, the lower the risk of mammary tumours and infection of the uterus. However research is raising other considerations, especially in large breed pedigree dogs.
Large breed dogs (over 20kg bodyweight) predisposed to joint problems may have lower incidence of joint problems if they are neutered between 12 and 24 months.
The incidence of urinary incontinence in older bitches is higher in spayed than unspayed bitches. Opinion is still divided, but the majority of experts think bitches should be spayed ideally before their first heat.
If you have a Dobermann, Old English Sheepdog, Rottweiler, Weimaraner or Irish Setter, then there is clear evidence to support spaying at 7-8 months old, before the first heat, which reduces the incidence of urinary incontinence as they get older by 50%.
If you have a bitch puppy that leaks urine when at rest or asleep, especially Labradors, Siberian Huskies, Newfoundlands and miniature Poodles then please discuss with the vet before booking for spaying.
Implants for MALE DOGS and FERRETS
Ferrets are better to be implanted with a gel implant rather than castrated to avoid the risk of adrenal disease associated with castration. Some people prefer this same method of temporary chemical castration in dogs, rather than the surgical option. Please ask!
Neutering Your Dog: The Facts
Your dog can be neutered from the age of 6 months.
- A spayed bitch is generally not attractive to male dogs and there is no risk of unwanted pregnancies.
- More than a quarter of unspayed dogs will develop mammary tumours. Spaying before the first season reduces the risk of your dog developing mammary tumours to 0.5%, if spayed after their first heat the risk rises to 8%, and after their second heat 26%.
- Spaying your dog eliminates the risk of pyometra, a life-threatening condition where the uterus becomes infected which is not uncommon in middle-aged and older unspayed bitches.
- Castrating your male dog reduces the risk of hormone-related prostatic enlargement and possible associated infection.
- Castrating your dog eliminates the risk of testicular cancers in your dog.
- A castrated dog is rarely interested in bitches in season, and frequently inappropriate territorial urination is decreased in castrated dogs.
If you are unsure about neutering your dog, we will be happy to discuss this with you and help you reach a decision right for you and your dog.
Neutering Your Cat: The Facts
Your cat can be neutered from the age of 4-5 months.
- A spayed queen does not come into season and there is no risk of unwanted pregnancies.
- Around 90% of mammary tumours in cats are malignant. Spaying your cat before the age of 6 months reduces the risk of developing mammary cancer by 93% and before 12 months by 86%.
- Castrating your male cat reduces spraying and wandering behaviours.
- Tom cats that are neutered early are less likely to fight, reducing the risk of cat bite abscesses and FIV infection, which is frequently transmitted via cat bites.
- Castrating your cat eliminates the risk of testicular cancers later in life.
If you are unsure about neutering your cat, we will be happy to discuss this with you and help you reach a decision right for you and your cat.
Pet vaccinations have saved much suffering and many lives. Most of the Trefaldwyn team have had direct experience of struggling to save precious lives of animals that have not been vaccinated and it can be heart breaking work.
However, we are also mindful that we should not vaccinate more than necessary and try always to follow best practice.
We have included our protocols for your information, we are happy to discuss these with you for your pet’s best options.
Cat Vaccination protocols
Kitten vaccinations
First vaccination
Cat Flu (Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus), Panleukopenia and Feline Leukaemia Vaccine, this can be from 8 weeks but if your kitten is in a single cat household and not going outside to mix, the vaccine works best if it is deferred to 12 weeks old. We are of course very happy to see your kitten at 8 weeks old to check him over and make sure that he has been properly wormed.
Second vaccination is to be given 3-4 weeks after the first. Full immunity should follow in 2 weeks.
Adult Cat Vaccination
Cover for Cat Flu, Panleukopaenia and Feline Leukaemia Virus is maintained with the recommended protocols every 12 months. Individual cat requirements can be tailored according to perceived risk.
We have chosen to use what we consider to be the best cat vaccines without adjuvants that appear to be effective with the minimum of upset to your feline
companion. We vaccinate against Feline flu, panleukopaenia and Feline Leukaemia Virus with recommended protocols. Vaccination can be tailored to your cat’s needs.
Dog Vaccinations Protocols
Puppy vaccination protocols.
Standard puppy vaccine course.
First vaccination at 8-9 weeks for Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo virus -DHP and Leptospirosis L4 ( Guidelines suggest L4 has a better response from 9 weeks if mum had good levels of immunity)
Second vaccination exactly 4 weeks later, DHP and L4. Immunity should follow in 1 week for DHP and 3 weeks for Leptospira
Kennel Cough vaccine can be given with second vaccination at 12 weeks, see below.
Premium vaccination course. This follows the standard course DHP and L4 at 8-9weeks
Second vaccination 4 weeks later DHP and L4 at 12-13weeks
Third dose of Parvo vaccine is given at 16 weeks ( This increases immunity to parvovirus following World Small Animal Veterinary Association Guidelines with regard to maternal immunity and resulting but rare parvo vaccine failures in young dogs)
Annual Boosters for Adult Dogs
The first full booster at 15 months is very important to secure lasting immunity of the core DHP vaccines in addition to the Leptospirosis top up.
Subsequent years, DHP and Leptospirosis vaccines are given according to minimum effective recommended data sheet advice.
Leptospirosis and kennel cough vaccines are recommended annually
For clients that require it, blood tests for DHP immunity serology can be performed, please ask.
Kennel Cough Vaccines
Contagious Cough, although not usually life threatening, is a distressing upper respiratory infection which is highly infectious and can have a prolonged recovery.
We have recently seen many cases of quite ill dogs and they are often infected from dog walking areas rather than “kennels”. As a result, we recommend all dogs at risk should be vaccinated and many kennels will require it, preferably several weeks before admission.
We stock different types of vaccines, to best suit your dog and your “family”, please ask. The standard is a weakened live vaccine given up your dogs nostril, but there are other options. We advise to use a different vaccine if your dog will be in contact with someone with a compromised immune system.
The Leptospirosis vaccines, L4 and L2
Leptospirosis is a life threatening disease caused by a bacterial infection, usually from rat and rodent urine or stagnant water. People can also be seriously affected and can catch it from an infected pet.
Nobivac vaccines include an older 2 strain vaccine, called L2 and a newer vaccine L4 covering 4 strains of leptospira. There have been reports on social media of adverse reactions to the newer L4 vaccine.
We have seen dogs in this locality that have died due to the newer strains of leptospira, which should be prevented by the L4 vaccine.
The Veterinary Medicines Directorate which gathers and reports on adverse reactions to medications, published data in 2017 to show that adverse reactions to both vaccines are rare, less than 2 cases per 10,000 doses of L2 sold and less than 7 cases per 10,000 doses of L4.
As a veterinary team, we recommend the newer L4 vaccine for a better level of cover against this dreadful disease. However, we stock both vaccines at Trefaldwyn Clinic and respect your choice of vaccine.
Rabbit Vaccination
Rabbits are at risk of two severe infectious diseases that we can vaccinate against. Myxomatosis is a cruel disease that is transmitted principally by the rabbit flea, but also by midges, biting flies and mosquitos and by direct contact. It can kill rabbits kept in sheds as well as outdoors.
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease RHD or VHD is a highly infectious viral disease that can kill rabbits very quickly. We have had several occurrences when owners have been devastated to find their rabbits dead with no warning. There are now 2 strains to this virus RHD1 and 2 and it is easily transmitted on shoes and clothing. Fortunately, we now have a vaccine for rabbits which covers Myxomatosis and RHD 1 and 2 in a single injection, Nobivac Myxo- RHD Plus. This vaccine can be given from 5-7weeks of age and lasts for 1 year. Immunity should start from 3 weeks after vaccination.
Ferret Vaccination
We recommend vaccinating any ferret that has outdoor access against Distemper virus. There is no effective treatment for Canine Distemper Virus in ferrets and infection is invariably fatal. We use the Nobivac DHP vaccine in ferrets with a booster necessary every 3 years to maintain protection.
Parasite Control for your Pet
It is important to protect your pets from parasites. Dogs, cats and other animals are susceptible to ectoparasites (fleas, ticks, lice and mites) and endoparasites (worms). We stock a wide range of spot-ons, tablets and collars to ensure you can protect your pet.
We recommend worming your pets monthly, more often when they are under 12 weeks.
This recommendation has changed in view of perceived risks from lungworm and roundworm infection especially in children both of which can be very serious. It is possible to get analysis of faeces screened for worm eggs. However, We are advised that this will not detect all worms or guarantee that your pet or family is free of risk from worm damage.
Frequency of treatment to prevent ticks, fleas and other external parasites depends on the product used but needs to avoid gaps in the cover.
It is important that directions are followed carefully when using parasiticides. Please do not allow them to swim in watercourses soon after application of topical products.
If you are unsure about the best products and regimes for your pet, please ask.
We have put together TREFALDWYN VETS PET HEALTH PLAN which delivers our recommended best parasite prevention products for your pet to your door every 3 months.
Please see the Health Plan Page for details.
To the right is a photo of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) as seen under our microscope, sample taken from a cat’s ear.
Fleas are very common in the UK, and are frequently picked up by pets and brought back home. The tapeworm Dipylidium caninum is frequently transmitted via the ingestion of fleas by your pet whilst grooming.
Fleas can develop from egg to adult in 12-28 days depending on heat and humidity, and 95% of the flea population is in the environment, which can make tackling a flea infestation tricky.
It is much easier to prevent an infestation of fleas in your home, than try to rid the house after they have taken hold.
We stock a wide variety of flea control products and can advise you on the best one to use for your pet.
Ticks are a particular problem in the UK in spring and autumn but can sometimes be found year-round.
Tick bites frequently cause reactions at the site of the bite and ticks can carry disease. Lyme disease is present in the UK and can cause fever, lameness and inflamed lymph nodes in dogs.
With the introduction of pet passports, many pets now travel to Europe, and there have been numerous cases of exotic ticks and exotic tick-borne disease in dogs. It is becoming more important than ever to protect your pets from ticks.
We stock various products suitable for tick control and can advise you on the most suitable product
Lice and Mites
Ear mites are a common cause of dirty and itchy ears in young animals. Other mites and lice can cause hair loss, itching and debilitation in dogs, cats and other small animals. Certain mites such as sarcoptes (causing sarcoptic mange) and demodectes (causing demodectic mange) can even result in death if left untreated.
If you notice any of these signs or think that your pet may have lice and mites, we can take samples to look at in our lab to confirm the presence of parasites and help us to prescribe the best treatment for your pet.
We have a variety of products which will effectively treat a mite or louse infestation and will be able to prescribe the right treatment for your pet where it is required.
Tapeworms are very common in dogs and cats, even if they do not hunt and eat wild animals. One of the most common tapeworms infects dogs and cats through fleas, which means flea and worm control should go hand in hand. Occasionally this worm can also infect people.
Other species of tapeworm in dogs can infect sheep, causing a cyst in the brain and a clinical condition called ‘gid’. If you live near livestock, it is important you regularly worm your dog.
There are species of tapeworm in Europe that infect dogs but can also infect humans, causing cysts, in the brain, lungs, heart and liver – this is the reason for the strict worming regime when travelling abroad with your pet.
We stock a variety of wormers and can advise you on the best one to use for your pet.
Roundworms can be present in apparently healthy looking animals, or they can cause diarrhoea and sickness in some animals, and even death in young puppies and kittens.
Roundworms can infect people, most frequently children, and can cause a range of health problems, from stomach cramps through to blindness. For this reason, it is doubly important to ensure your pet and your family is protected from roundworm infection.
We advise worming puppies and kittens from 2 weeks of age, as some roundworms can be passed from mother to offpsring even before birth.
We stock various products suitable for roundworm control, please ask us about the most suitable product.
The Trefaldwyn Vets Pet Health Plan
Has been set up in response to client requests for a complete package of preventative healthcare measures with costs spread evenly as a monthly direct debit. Our “Full Monty” plan aims to protect our dogs and cats from all parasites, according to best available protocols. It also includes full vaccinations against the threat of serious disease and includes a health check every 6 months. The monthly cost represents a significant saving against the normal list price. There are no set up fees and it includes delivery.
The “Full Monty” includes things that are not in other plans.
We aim to cover your dog and cat for fleas and ticks, which will reduce the risk of tickborne disease such as Lymes. Mange mites are covered.
Roundworm, lungworm, heartworm and hookworm are prevented. Lungworm is a specific and worrying threat to dogs that is not covered by many wormers so we have taken care to include this. Roundworm is a risk to people, especially children so this cover can reassure us that we are preventing this concern.
Tapeworm cover is provided to both dogs and cats in the simplest way we can and we do not expect you to try and get a pill down your feline friend!
Ear mites are also covered in cats.
We aim to achieve all this with the convenience of medication arriving every 3 months in the post to your home and delivery costs are included in our plan.
Vaccination in cats includes cover for Cat Flu caused by Herpes and Calici virus, Feline Panleucopaenia and Feline Leukaemia virus. In dogs, we include cover for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo and Leptospirosis but we have also decided to include cover for Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis (kennel cough) a serious recent local problem. Vaccination protocols aim to follow best practice and can be tailored to individual need.
There are no setup fees for the plan and no extra fees for home delivery. We aim to keep it as simple and effective as possible. The plan can be started any time after the puppy or kitten vaccinations
You would be expected to pay the first instalment by card at signup and then subsequent payments will be made by Direct Debit to EDD.
Pet Insurance
When a much loved family pet becomes sick or is injured, it is a worrying time for all concerned. Veterinary investigation, diagnostic tests and medical and surgical options have enabled us to treat and care for our animals to a far higher standard than previously.
Pet Insurance can reduce the financial worry and allow us to follow best practice to try to restore our pets to full health.
As vets, insurance can allow us to investigate problems properly without worrying so much about the cost of lab samples, or imaging such as x ray and ultrasound scans or referral for advanced imaging such as MRI or CT.
The cost of surgery is usually covered, including referral to specialist surgeons. In certain circumstances fees can run into many thousands of pounds. Investigation of cardiac problems, respiratory issues and severe skin allergies are all approached with a huge “sigh of relief”, if we know that the cost will be covered.
As with human medicine and surgery, the possibilities and treatment options are continually improving but this is almost always accompanied by a substantial increase in cost.
We have also recently discovered that our specialist referral centres are becoming busier and busier and we have to consider whether we can access specialist care when our pets may need it.
There are many providers of pet insurance out there and we are not in a position to recommend certain companies. However, as a veterinary practice, we commonly see certain problems that we would love to make known.
1. Start your insurance as soon as possible, when you first get your pet. Insurance companies will not usually pay out for any pre-existing problem or cover any condition within the first 2 weeks of cover. We hear clients say so often that they were “just about to insure” their pet when problems arise, sadly too late! When you come to Trefaldwyn Vet Clinic in Montgomery or Llanfair with a young dog or cat, we are able to give you 4 weeks FREE cover with IMMEDIATE effect from Petplan provided we health check your animal at the time- please ask!
2. Choose your insurance company wisely! Look at INDEPENDENT reviews, chat with us and your pet loving friends. It is almost always best to get LIFETIME cover for your pet, you don’t want cover to run out at the end of the policy year. Consider breed specific cover if you think you might need it, short nosed breeds with respiratory issues or dogs prone to skin allergies may need extra cover. Not all insurance companies cover specific veterinary prescription diets.
3. Consider the level of COVER. If you decided that you needed to take your pet to a specialist referral practice, bills can often be in the region of £3-8000. We have even known a bill for ongoing surgery to double this top figure! (although this is exceptionally rare)
4. Please DO NOT change your policy like you would change your car insurance. Anything that is held on your veterinary records could be excluded by your new insurer. We see this so often! People change policies to a better or cheaper provider and forget that their dog or cat had an itchy skin or an episode of unexplained pain. We try to put in a claim 2 years later and it gets rejected!!
5. Insurance policies will get more expensive as the animal ages and the risk increases! This is worth considering when you take the policy out.
6. We have had a few clients that have looked at the cost of insuring their pet and paid this into their own special savings account. This is, of course, a gamble. If their cat is knocked by a car or their puppy swallows the centre of a corn on the cob while young, the savings pot will probably not cover the cost. However, on average, most owners may end up better off unless they need referral services.
Some pet owners decide against insuring their pet, which, of course we respect. We would urge owners, though, to put something into a contingency fund. Owning a pet is a privilege and not a right and carries a responsibility to take account of the needs of that animal.
Pet Travel Outside the UK
Arrangements have changed substantially since January 2021. The British-issued European Passports are not now valid for travel (but please retain them for certification).
Legislation and guidelines keep changing so please use the following as a guide and consult updates.
Consider the risks:
We would urge all travellers to take note of the risks of taking your pets with you especially to southern Europe because tick and sandfly transmitted diseases and heartworm can be life threatening diseases which are very difficult to treat.
We recommend that all Dogs are treated for heartworm with a licensed product (milbemycin) before leaving the UK and every 4 weeks until 2 months after return. Blanket cover with an approved tick and sandfly prevention is advised and daily examination to remove any ticks is also recommended to keep your pet safe. In sandfly areas, where Leishmania is a risk, you are advised to keep your pet indoors between dusk and dawn.
For travel to The European Union with a dog, cat or ferret:
- Your dog or cat or ferret needs to have a microchip
- Your dog, cat or ferret needs a Rabies vaccination, certified by an Official Veterinary Surgeon (OVS). This needs to be given at least 21 days before travel.
- An Animal Health Certificate (AHC) needs to be issued by the OVS within 10 days of travelling to most of the EU (except Ireland, Northern Ireland, Malta, Finland, Norway)
The Vet needs to have copied rabies certification and created the AHC well before the date of issue because it is a very time-consuming document. We need to know the country through which the pet will enter the EU to issue the correct dual language.
One AHC may be used for up to 5 pets in the same ownership One AHC is valid for one trip with up to 4 months of onward travel through Europe. - If you are visiting Northern Ireland, Ireland, Malta, Norway or Finland with a dog then an approved tapeworm medication must be administered by a Vet 24-120 hours before ARRIVAL at destination and recorded in the AHC which is issued at the same time ( much narrower window)
- All dogs returning to the UK must be treated by a European Vet with approved tapeworm treatment 24-120 hours before return and this is certified in the AHC.
- F1 Hybrids, such as Savannah and Bengal cats or wolf hybrids are not allowed to travel on an AHC
- TVC will not issue AHCs for pets that are changing ownership.
- Pets travelling with valid European Passports ISSUED in the EU ( not the UK) can travel without an AHC. They would only need tapeworm treatment 24-120 hours before arrival into Ireland, Northern Ireland, Finland, Norway and Malta
Export from the UK to the EU and non EU countries
Rules are constantly changing and many countries have differing and complex requirements. We would recommend that contact is made with the APHA Centre for International Trade in Carlisle or an international courier company for advice.
At Trefaldwyn Vet Clinic, we are happy to microchip and vaccinate against Rabies and other diseases and we can collect and send blood samples that are requested. However, we cannot advise and be held responsible for meeting export requirements for pets or issuing Export Health Certificates.
A microchip is a means of permanent identification for any animal, and is registered on a national database linked to their owner’s details.
A microchip will mean that if ever your pet is found straying, it can be identified and you can be promptly contacted and reunited with your pet.
We recommend microchipping dogs, cats and working ferrets particularly, for smaller animals, microchipping at the time of neuter is ideal.
If you are unsure if your pet is microchipped or whether the contact details are correct, please contact us and we can arrange to scan your pet and check the associated details on the database.
Microchipping Your Dog: The Law
As of 6th April 2016
All dogs over 8 weeks old are required by law to be microchipped.
This means that breeders should microchip their litters before selling puppies.
If you buy a puppy after 6th April 2016 it should already be microchipped, it is your responsibility to check this and change the ownership and contact details so that they are up to date.
Similarly, if you change address or rehome a dog, it should be microchipped and the details should be changed on the database so that they are current and correct.
If you need to change or check the details on your dog’s microchip, please bring them in to be scanned and we can help you ensure that the details are correct.
There are certain exemptions to this law, primarily where microchip implantation may adversely affect the dog’s health, but you will need an official exemption certificate from a vet stating this which has a set period of validity. We can advise you on this where required.
Failure to comply with this legislation could result in a fine of up to £500.
Information for Ferret Owners
Most ferret owners will now be aware that the ‘jill jab’, also known as Delvosteron, has been discontinued worldwide by the manufacturer and only a limited number of practices have managed to procure the remaining bottles.
Here at Trefaldwyn Vets, we have been looking into alternatives to prevent hyperoestrogenism in jills and bring them out of season, as there is now no licensed product available for this and no indication that a new product will be manufactured to serve this purpose.
There are three alternative options available to manage jills:
An injection of a cattle drug called Buserelin. This should bring a jill out of season within 10-14 days but is likely to need repeating several times each year, typically every 8-12 weeks through the breeding season.
Mating with a vasectomised hob. This requires some planning as hobs should be vasectomised at least 6 weeks before they are used for the first time. This allows full healing and ensures no sperm remain in the hob to cause accidental pregnancy.
Implanting with a Suprelorin implant. This is off-license in female ferrets. This ideally should be performed before jills come into season or within 2 weeks of them coming into season as it can take 4-6 weeks to bring jills out of season. This implant requires the jill to have a very short anaesthetic for her safety during implantation and may work for a variable amount of time to prevent seasons in the jill. The minimum amount of time you can expect it to last is 12 months, and in some jills it may last lifelong. Jills should always be monitored for signs of season in the years following an implant.
Spaying the jill. This may become one of the most feasible options for jills over 1-2 years old. It is not something recommended for jills under about 18 months of age due to the increased risk of Adrenal Gland Disease developing in later life. Most of the research surrounding Adrenal Gland Disease in neutered ferrets is based upon data on ferrets in the U.S. where they are surgically neutered as young as 5 or 6 weeks of age. But this condition is also seen occasionally in UK ferrets and so early neutering should be avoided for this reason.
It is clear to see there is no perfect option in the absence of the ‘jill jab’.
If you would like to know more about any of these available options, help deciding which is best for your jill, and further information on the pros, cons and cost of each option then please get in touch and we would be happy to advise you.
Trefaldwyn Vets Dog and Cat Dentals
Health of the mouth is a very important part of our pet’s wellbeing. Tooth scale can build up, causing inflammation of the gums and leading to tooth decay. Tooth ache and very high levels of bacteria in the mouth cause pain, suffering and can lead to other damage by constantly challenging the immune system.
If we have recommended that your pet needs dental work then you will be concerned what needs to happen and how much this may cost.
All pets that are admitted for dental work need a general anaesthetic with a tube placed in their airway to keep them safe from scale and water and to enable us to clean the teeth properly.
Any pet that is “old” (usually over 8) or not well, we would recommend a pre anaesthetic blood test to check for other problems.
When we book a dental, it can be very difficult to predict how long the work will take. Scale hides damaged teeth and our pets are not keen on us inspecting teeth like a dentist can. If we charge on time basis then this has, on occasion, caused some unexpected very large bills which has been difficult.
We have restructured our pricing to try and give our clients a better price estimate structure.
We have 4 categories of dental work
All categories will include a general anaesthetic and all injectable pain relief and antibiotics deemed necessary.
Any antibiotic tablets dispensed would be charged as extra
- Scale and polish only
- Scale and polish plus removal of small number of loose teeth taking under 15minutes
- Multiple extractions expected to take from 15-120minutes (averaged at 1 hour), scaling the remainder. We will endeavour to achieve what is necessary to make your pet comfortable and healthy within our available time frame.
- Exceptional circumstances such as total teeth extractions, or removal of a single loose tooth, which will still be charged on time basis but with agreement of owner.
Weight categories:
These reflect the amount of anaesthetic and medication mostly, although big dogs can also have some very large roots!
- Cats and dogs under 10kg
- Dogs under 30kg
- Dogs over 30kg
So….if you would like an estimate,
- Decide if you would like a pre anaesthetic blood screen or, even better, get it done at the booking appointment
- Decide the weight category
- We can then give a price for only scale, scale and minimal extractions, or multiple extractions. Exceptional circumstances are likely to be discussed with the vet.
- Tablet cost added eg. pain relief and antibiotics for cat likely to be £xxx
Pain relief and antibiotics for 30kg dog likely to be around £xxxx
As with all operations and anaesthetics in animals and people, there is always a possibility that things may not go as expected. Please rest assured that we always will try to do our best and treat your pet as if it was our own. Circumstances may mean that a different course of action is needed other than what was predicted in the estimate so we just need to say that in that instance the “estimate” may have to be reevaluated.
To simplify the dental fees, I am suggesting 4 fees in 3 weight categories.
1. GA, scale and polish only
- Dogs and Cats up to 10kg £173.51 +VAT
- Dogs under 30kg £203.71 +VAT
- Dogs over 30kg £242.53 +VAT
2. GA, scale and minimal (up to 15 minutes) extractions. (This is existing scale fee plus £80 surgical time for 15mins)
- Dogs and cats up to 10kg £253.51 +VAT
- Dogs to 30kg £293.07 +VAT
- Dogs over 30kg £322.80 +VAT
3. GA, scale and multiple/difficult extractions that are feasible within a surgical timetable ( we cannot permit open ended commitment to every difficult tooth). Fee based on current anaesthetic plus 1 hour surgical time which will represent an average time.
- Dogs and cats to 10kg £392.85 +VAT
- Dogs to 30kg £413.05 +VAT
- Dogs over 30kg £432.98 +VAT
4. Exceptional circumstances discussed with vet, for example:
- Removing one loose tooth without scaling
- Total teeth extraction
Charged as General Anaesthetic plus surgical time
Including injections all injections on day. Cost of tablets extra.
Add approx tablets here, standard short course
- Dogs and cats to 10kg approx £10
- Dogs to 30kg approx £25
- Dogs over 30kg approx £35
Add pre-anaesthetic blood test recommended if sick or over 8years £42.83+VAT
(Animal trust, Shrewsbury, charge flat rate £369 for all dentals including all meds and tablets.)